Hello! My name is Maëva Jolivet.
I'm a student in publishing, digital publishing and professional writing at the University of Angers. I am currently a publishing assistant in internship at EMS - Management & Society Editions in Caen. I wish to join a publishing company as an editorial assistant after I graduate.

Intern in a publishing house
- Copy preparation, proofreading and typographical corrections
- Books layout on InDesign
- Iconographic research
- Creation of covers, flyers and promotional catalogue
- Communication on the social medias
Commercial employee in a bookshop
- Books labeling and shelving
- Informing and advising clients
- Clients and bookshop order management
- Returns management
- Layout of the sales area
Intern in a publishing house
- Manuscripts reading and discussions in a reading committee
- Correction of sales arguments and press releases
- Creation of visuals for social medias
Intern in a publishing house
- Manuscripts reading
- Launch of a crowdfunding campaign
- Communication on social networks
Master's Degree in book publishing and professional writing

Professional training including teachings in:
- Technical writings
- Copy preparation, typography
- DTP (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator)
- HTML code, CSS and WordPress
- Image semiology, iconography
- Editorial monitoring
- Rights assignment, cession of rights
Project management: Editors' Day 2022 "To publish classics"
Masters Degree LLPC (Literatures, Languages, Patrimonies, Cultures)

Grade: Very good
Courses in publishing:
- History of publishing
- Translations publishing
- Children's publishing
- Professional writing
Writing of a research essay of 90 pages about: "Violence in Incendies and Anima of Wajdi Mouawad"
Bachelor Degree in Literature and History

Grade: Good
Courses in publishing, journalism and communication:
- History of reading customs, from papyrus to ebooks
- Journalism: History and techniques
- Journalistic writings
Literary preparatory classes (Post-Diploma Program)

Grade: highest certification (A)
Options: Modern literature and History
- Courses of general and literary culture
- Text commentary and essay method
- Preparation for the competitive exams of the ENS